Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı Museum

Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı Museum

by admin, 7 September 2015
Cahit Sitki Taranci’s house, which has protected Diyarbakir home’s features in the most unique way, is located in Diyarbakir’s city center Mosque Kebir Street. The house, which Turkish Literature world’s and Diyarbakir’s one of the most famous poets Cahit Sitki Taranci was born in, is one of the most beautiful examples of Dıyarbakir homes’ that has protected its features in the most unique way.
Cahit Sıtki Taranci was born in 1910 in his house that is located in Mosque Kebir Street, and has created many unforgettable works such as “35 Age” poem. According to tablet on it, the structure was built in 1733. Later it was dedicated to Cahit Sitki Taranci’s family. It was bought and redecorated as museum in 1973 by Culture Ministry. Private belongings, letters, poems, and books including ethnographic works of the poets are displayed in the museum.
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