Nebii Mosque

Nebii Mosque

by admin, 10 November 2015
Being an Akkoyunlus monument, it is the only mosque left with one dome from 15th century. It is known as Nebi or Prophet Mosque because of sayings from our Prophet on the minaret and different places of the mosque. According to resources, at the times of construction, it was built on a large area consisting of three buildings as Safiis’ side, Hanefis’ side, and madrasah.
Today, Safiis’ side and a part of the madrasah is still in use. Hanefis’ side located on the east of Safiis’ side, with a plan of rectangular 4 naves, legs, and arches began to collapse in 1927. Hanefiis’ side which was ruined while under military conquest, during world war 1, was collapsed with its minaret in 1955 while Gazi Avenue was being enlarged through the west side. Safiis’ side is rectangular planed in means of partial plan and architecture and is covered with dome.
Mihrab of the mosque is made of white and decorated with rich tiles that have geometrical cubs on them. Minaret of the mosque is surrounded with four corners and decorated tablets. The minaret which was built in 1530 by a butcher named Haci Huseyin was then repaired and relocated by General Directorate of Foundations in 1960.
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