Suluklu Khan

Suluklu Khan

by admin, 11 November 2015
The historical Suluklu Khan, built by Hanilioglu Mahmut Celebi and his sister Atike Hatun in 1683, has been restored and opened to serve for the guests by the year of 2010. It is one of the popular places of the recent years like Hasan Pasha Khan.
There is an old well inside the khan. It is known that leech was taken out from the well back then. Since leeches that were used as medicine were taken from here, this khan has been named as Leeched Khan. The khan, whose upstairs are used as resting rooms and depots as resting places for animals, was used as cantonment of cavalries during the Turkish War of Independence. It is now open to public, serving as cafe and promenade.
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